Goblin Classic
410 Non-Wing Sprints Cars UMP Modifieds Dirt Trucks Dirt Stock Cars Gate times and Pricing to be announced.
410 Non-Wing Sprints Cars UMP Modifieds Dirt Trucks Dirt Stock Cars Gate times and Pricing to be announced.
NRA 360 Sprints USAC Midwest Thunder Midgets UMP Modifieds Dirt Trucks Dirt Stock Cars Gate times and Pricing to be announced.
410 Non-Wing Sprints USAC Midwest Thunder Midgets Other classes TBD Gate times and Pricing to be announced.
NRA 360 Sprints UMP Modifieds Dirt Stock Cars Dirt Trucks Gate times and Pricing to be announced.
GLTS 410 Sprints NRA 360 Sprints UMP Modifieds Dirt Stock Cars Dirt Compacts Dirt Trucks Gate times and Pricing to be announced.
USAC D2 Midwest Thunder Midgets UMP Modifieds Dirt Stock Cars Dirt Trucks Compacts Gate times and Pricing to be announced.
410 Non-wing Sprints 360 NRA Sprints UMP Modifieds Gate times: Pits 2:00pm – $30 General Admission 3:00pm – $18 Adults Hot Laps 4:30pm Racing 6:00pm